Fallout shelter steam update
Fallout shelter steam update

I literally ran out of options and thought i wouldn't be able to experience this title. Some people started bringing it back to me, saying that it was a great game and I have been getting this urge to try it out myself, but when I came around to it, my phone app kept crashing past the title screen. So I skipped it and awaited the release of Fallout 4 proper instead. It didn't help that in the same year I reviewed Candy Crush: Soda Saga. I was sure it was going to be Bethesda's attempt to get into the mobile market by shoving microtransactions in, and a sort of FarmVille clone, judging by the previews.

fallout shelter steam update fallout shelter steam update fallout shelter steam update

When Fallout: Shelter got announced as a sort of promotion for Fallout 4, I really thought nothing of it.

Fallout shelter steam update